Curry With Friends

Went out last night for curry and beers to Cafe All Spice with:

  • Jen – professional cynic
  • Claire – professional mimic
  • Bryn – protestable critic
  • Andy – procrastinating graduate
  • Sian – political constitutionalist
  • and Paul – pineapple coconut

And a fantastic night was had by all, I feel. The food was brilliant, the beers drained themselves as we chatted about geekiness, jewelery, politics, relationships, dialects, body hair, relationships again, pub quizzes, the upcoming Troma Night

I’ve one or two pictures from my phone to share with you, but I haven’t beamed them off yet, so you’ll have to wait.

Edit: Here’s the nicest of the pictures from the evening, which I’d promised I’d share with you:

Paul & Jen on their date

Paul & Jen on their date×