Bryn’s Challenge – Looking Back

Well; today, Bryn’s Challenge came to an end – so those of us who were participating (and didn’t give up along the way) can go back to our regular amount of fast food once more. I, for one, will be enjoying a Tex Mex burger at Burger King this evening (you’re all welcome to join me) before the Pagan Wanderer Lu gig at The Bay.

I’d like to say that Bryn had given us some kind of life-changing challenge, but he hasn’t. I saved a little money, I partially (I hope) eased Claire off her Burger King addiction, and it was fun: it actually gave me an excuse to be bothered to try things out and come up with a few new recipes where I might not otherwise have.

It looks like it’s going to be a busy weekend for me. I’m helping out with training some students to do volunteer work, Troma Night promises all kinds of fun with the themed “Is this post-modern genius, or just really, really stupid?” night, Geek Night as usual (perhaps we’ll actually play a board game this week!)… plus I’ve got a heap of code I’d like to write for about a dozen little ongoing projects. Busy, busy, busy.

On the up-side, it turns out that I have enough overtime banked that I could actually take a week off as flexi-leave. That’s crazy! Now all I need is there to be little enough that needs doing that I can actually take the time off without feeling guilty!

By the way; I texted AQA (who’ve re-vamped their web site, I see) the other day:

Me: Other than “Day Of The Triffids“, what film has walking plants in it? (Audrey II from “Little Shop Of Horrors” doesn’t walk, it hops)

Several hours later.

Them: AQA: Sorry for the delay. The AQA service is dealing with your question and you should receive an answer shortly.

Later still.

Them: AQA: AQA could not find any other films with walking plants in. Steve Sekely, director of Triffids, also directed Lady in the Death House and Amazon Quest.

If they were going to go for a cop-out answer, they should have gone for Poison Ivy (played by Uma Thurman) in Batman and Robin. Ah well.