Bypassing Region Restrictions on

I must be the last person on Earth to have heard about (thanks Pepsilora!), a website that uses a “globe” interface to let you tune in to radio stations around the globe. But I’d only used it for a couple of minutes before I discovered that there are region restrictions in place. Here in the UK, and perhaps elsewhere, you can’t listen to stations in other countries without using a VPN or similar tool… which might introduce a different region’s restrictions!

How to bypass region restrictions

So I threw together a quick workaround:

  1. Ensure you’ve got a userscript manager installed (I like Violentmonkey, but there are other choices).
  2. Install this userscript; it’s hacky – I threw it together in under half an hour – but it seems to work!
Screenshot showing tuned into YouFM in Mons, Belgium. An additional player control interface appears below the original one.
My approach is super lazy and simply injects a second audio player – which ignores region restrictions – below the original.

How does this work and how did I develop it?

For those looking to get into userscripting, here’s a quick tutorial on what I did to develop this bypass.

First, I played around with for a bit to get a feel for what it was doing. I guessed that it must be tuning into a streaming URL when you select a radio station, so I opened by browser’s debugger on the Network tab and looked at what happened when I clicked on a “working” radio station, and how that differed when I clicked on a “blocked” one:

Screenshot from Firefox's Network debugger, showing four requests to a "working" radio station (of which two are media feeds) and two to a "blocked" radio station.

When connecting to a station, a request is made for some JSON that contains station metadata. Then, for a working station, a request is made for an address like /api/ara/content/listen/[ID]/channel.mp3. For a blocked station, this request isn’t made.

I figured that the first thing I’d try would be to get the [ID] of a station that I’m not permitted to listen to and manually try the URL to see if it was actually blocked, or merely not-being-loaded. Looking at a working station, I first found the ID in the JSON response and I was about to extract it when I noticed that it also appeared in the request for the JSON: that’s pretty convenient!


Composite screenshot from Firefox's Network debugger showing a request for station metadata being serviced, followed by a request for the MP3 stream with the same ID.My hypothesis was that the “blocking” is entirely implemented in the front-end: that the JavaScript code that makes the pretty bits work is looking at the “country” data that’s returned and using that to decide whether or not to load the audio stream. That provides many different ways to bypass it, from manipulating the JavaScript to remove that functionality, to altering the JSON response so that every station appears to be in the user’s country, to writing some extra code that intercepts the request for the metadata and injects an extra audio player that doesn’t comply with the regional restrictions.

But first I needed to be sure that there wasn’t some actual e.g. IP-based blocking on the streams. To do this, first I took the /api/ara/content/listen/[ID]/channel.mp3 address of a known-working station and opened it in VLC using Media > Open Network Stream…. That worked. Then I did the same thing again, but substituted the [ID] part of the address with the ID of a “blocked” station. VLC happily started spouting French to me: the bypass would, in theory, work!

Next, I needed to get that to work from within the site itself. It’s implemented in React, which is a pig to inject code into because it uses horrible identifiers for DOM elements. But of course I knew that there’d be this tell-tale fetch request for the station metadata that I could tap into, so I used this technique to override the native fetch method and replace it with my own “wrapper” that logged the stream address for any radio station I clicked on. I tested the addresses this produced using my browser.

window.fetch = new Proxy(window.fetch, {
  apply: (target, that, args)=>{
    const tmp = target.apply(that, args);
      const matches = res.url.match(/\/api\/ara\/content\/channel\/(.*)/);
        const stationId = matches[1];
    return tmp;

That all worked nicely, so all I needed to do now was to use those addresses rather than simply logging them. Rather that get into the weeds reverse-engineering the built-in player, I simply injected a new <audio> element after it and pointed it at the correct address, and applied a couple of CSS tweaks to make it fit in nicely.

The only problem was that on UK-based radio stations I’d now hear a slight echo, because the original player was still working. I could’ve come up with an elegant solution to this, I’m sure, but I went for a quick-and-dirty hack: I used res.json() to obtain the body of the metadata response… which meant that the actual code that requested it would no longer be able to get it (you can only decode the body of a fetch response once!).’s own player treats this as an error and doesn’t play that radio station, but my new <audio> element still plays it perfectly well.

It’s not pretty, but it’s functional. You can read the finished source code on Github. I don’t anticipate that I’ll be maintaining this script so if it stops working you’ll have to fix it yourself, and I have no intention of “finishing” it by making it nicer or prettier. I just wanted to share in case you can learn anything from my approach.

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Why using Google VPN is a terrible idea

This article is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

VPNs have long been essential online tools that provide security, freedom, and most importantly, privacy. Each day, hundreds of millions of internet users connect to a VPN to prevent their online activities from being tracked and monitored so that they can privately access web resources. In other words, the very purpose of a VPN is to prevent the type of surveillance that Google engages in on a massive and unprecedented scale.

Google knows this, and in their whitepaper discussing VPN by Google One, Google acknowledges that VPN usage is becoming mainstream and that “up to 25% of all internet users accessed a VPN within the last month of 2019.” Increasing VPN usage unfortunately poses a significant problem for Google, by making it more difficult to track users across the internet, mine their data, and target them with advertisements. In short, VPNs undermine Google’s power.

So yeah, it turns out that Google are launching a VPN service. I just checked, and it’s not available to me anyway because it’s US-only (apparently nobody explained to Google the irony of having a VPN service that’s geofenced), but that’s pretty academic because I wasn’t going to touch it with a barge pole in the first place.

Google One VPN announcement, featuring the words "US Only"
Is it 1 April already, Google?

Google already collect data on your browsing habits if you use their products. And I’m not just talking about Chrome, which of course continues to track you using your Google Account even after you log out and clear your cookies, and Google’s ubiquitous Web tools, but also the tracking pixels hidden on every other website thanks to Google Analytics, AdWords, reCAPTCHA, Google Fonts, and the like. Sure, you can use e.g. uMatrix to stop all of these (although I’m in need of a replacement), but that’s not a solution for, y’know, normal people. Container tabs help and you should absolutely use them, but they don’t quite go far enough. It’s a challenge.

Switch to their VPN, though, and they’re suddenly able to track all of your browsing activity, in any browser on your device. And probably many of the desktop applications you run, too, as most of them “phone home” for updates or functionality. And because it’s a paid-for VPN service, this data can be instantly linked to your real-world identity. By a company that’s demonstrated its willingness to misuse that data for their own benefit (or for the benefit of overreaching law enforcement agencies). Yeah: no deal, Google.

Perhaps the only company I’d trust less to provide a VPN service would be Facebook, because you just know they’d be doing so exclusively to undermine individual privacy. Oh wait; that’s exactly what they did. Sigh.


Raspberry Pi VPN Hotspot (or How To Infuriate Theresa May For Under £40)

As you’re no-doubt aware, Home Secretary Theresa May is probably going to get her way with her “snooper’s charter” by capitalising on events in Paris (even though that makes no sense), and before long, people working for law enforcement will be able to read your Internet usage history without so much as a warrant (or, to put it as the UN’s privacy chief put it, it’s “worse than scary”).

John Oliver on Last Week Tonight discusses the bill.
Or as John Oliver put it, “This bill could write into law a huge invasion of privacy.” Click to see a clip.

In a revelation that we should be thankful of as much as we’re terrified by, our government does not understand how the Internet works. And that’s why it’s really easy for somebody with only a modicum of geekery to almost-completely hide their online activities from observation by their government and simultaneously from hackers. Here’s a device that I built the other weekend, and below I’ll tell you how to do it yourself (and how it keeps you safe online from a variety of threats, as well as potentially giving you certain other advantages online):

"Iceland", one of my Raspberry Pi VPN hotspots
It’s small, it’s cute, and it goes a long way to protecting my privacy online.

I call it “Iceland”, for reasons that will become clear later. But a more-descriptive name would be a “Raspberry Pi VPN Hotspot”. Here’s what you’ll need if you want to build one:

  • A Raspberry Pi Model B (or later) – you can get these from less than £30 online and it’ll come with an SD card that’ll let it boot Raspbian, which is the Linux distribution I’ve used in my example: there’s no reason you couldn’t use another one if you’re familiar with it
  • A USB WiFi dongle that supports “access point” mode – I’m using an Edimax one that cost me under a fiver – but it took a little hacking to make it work – I’ve heard that Panda and RALink dongles are easier
  • A subscription to a VPN with OpenVPN support and at least one endpoint outside of the UK – I’m using VyprVPN because I have a special offer, but there are lots of cheaper options: here’s a great article about choosing one
  • A basic familiarity with a *nix command line, an elementary understanding of IP networking, and a spare 20 minutes.

From here on, this post gets pretty geeky. Unless you plan on building your own little box to encrypt all of your home’s WiFi traffic until it’s well out of the UK and close-to-impossible to link to you personally (which you should!), then you probably ought to come back to it another time.

Here’s how it’s done:

1. Plug in, boot, and install some prerequisites

Plug the WiFi dongle into a USB port and connect the Ethernet port to your Internet router.  Boot your Raspberry Pi into Raspbian (as described in the helpsheet that comes with it), and run:

sudo apt-get install bridge-utils hostapd udhcpd bind9 openvpn

2. Make HostAPD support your Edimax dongle

If, like me, you’re using an Edimax dongle, you need to do an extra couple of steps to make it work as an access point. Skip this bit if you’re using one of the other dongles I listed or if you know better.

sudo mv /usr/sbin/hostapd /usr/sbin/hostapd.original
sudo mv hostapd /usr/sbin/hostapd.edimax
sudo ln -sf /usr/sbin/hostapd.edimax /usr/sbin/hostapd
sudo chown root.root /usr/sbin/hostapd
sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/hostapd

3. Set up OpenVPN

Get OpenVPN configuration files from your VPN provider: often these will be available under the iOS downloads. There’ll probably be one for each available endpoint. I chose the one for Reyjkavik, because Iceland’s got moderately sensible privacy laws and I’m pretty confident that it would take judicial oversight for British law enforcement to collaborate with Icelandic authorities on getting a wiretap in place, which is the kind of level of privacy I’m happy with. Copy your file to /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf and edit it: you may find that you need to put your VPN username and password into it to make it work.

sudo service openvpn start

You can now test your VPN’s working, if you like. I suggest connecting to the awesome and asking it where you are (you can use your favourite GeoIP website to tell you what country it thinks you’re in, based on that):

curl -4

Another option would be to check with a GeoIP service directly:


4. Set up your firewall and restart the VPN connection

Unless your VPN provider gives you DNAT (and even if they do, if you’re paranoid), you should set up a firewall to allow only outgoing connections to be established, and then restart your VPN connection:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -i tun0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i tun0 -j DROP
sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/"
sudo sh -c "echo 'up iptables-restore < /etc/' >> /etc/network/interfaces"
sudo service openvpn restart

5. Configure your WiFi hotspot

Configure bind as your DNS server, caching responses on behalf of Google’s DNS servers, or another DNS server that you trust. Alternatively, you can just configure your DHCP clients to use Google’s DNS servers directly, but caching will probably improve your performance overall. To do this, add a forwarder to /etc/bind/named.conf.options:

forwarders {;;

Restart bind, and make sure it loads on boot:

sudo service bind9 restart
sudo update-rc.d bind9 enable

Edit /etc/udhcpd.conf. As a minimum, you should have a configuration along these lines (you might need to tweak your IP address assignments to fit with your local network – the “router” and “dns” settings should be set to the IP address you’ll give to your Raspberry Pi):

interface wlan0
remaining yes
opt dns
option subnet
opt router
option lease 864000 # 10 days

Enable DHCP by uncommenting (remove the hash!) the following line in /etc/default/udhcpd:


Set a static IP address on your Raspberry Pi in the same subnet as you configured above (but not between the start and end of the DHCP list):

sudo ifconfig wlan0

And edit your /etc/network/interfaces file to configure it to retain this on reboot (you’ll need to use tabs, not spaces, for indentation):

iface wlan0 inet static

And comment out the lines relating to hot-plugging of WiFi adapters/network hopping:

#allow-hotplug wlan0
#wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
#iface default inet manual

Right – onto hostapd, the fiddliest of the tools you’ll have to configure. Create or edit /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf as follows, but substitute in your own SSID, hotspot password, and channel (to minimise interference, which can slow your network down, I recommend using WiFi scanner tool on your mobile to find which channels your neighbours aren’t using, and use one of those – you should probably avoid the channel your normal WiFi uses, too, so you don’t slow your own connection down with crosstalk):

ssid=your network name
wpa_passphrase=your network password

Hook up this configuration by editing /etc/default/hostapd:


Fire up the hotspot, and make sure it runs on reboot:

sudo service hostapd start
sudo service udhcpd start
sudo update-rc.d hostapd enable
sudo update-rc.d udhcpd enable

Finally, set up NAT so that people connecting to your new hotspot are fowarded through the IP tunnel of your VPN connection:

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
sudo sh -c "echo net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf"
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/"

6. Give it a go!

Connect to your new WiFi hotspot, and go to your favourite GeoIP service. Or, if your VPN endpoint gives you access to geographically-limited services, give those a go (you’d be amazed how different the Netflix catalogues are in different parts of the world). And give me a shout if you need any help or if you have any clever ideas about how this magic little box can be improved.

Further reading:
